Marz Homes

3M Night Vision 15 solar control and privacy film was installed at Marz Homes! The costs of heating and cooling a large commercial building can get excessive—and with the considerable amount of windows in modern office buildings, it can also be difficult to keep those inside feeling comfortable due to glare, UV damage, and unregulated temperatures. So how can you find a happy medium without installing clunky blinds that lead to constant cleaning and blocking the view? Solar control and privacy film is the perfect solution, helping to regulate temperatures during both the winter and summer and protecting from glare and UV damage without compromising the mood-boosting natural light from the inside. The tint strength of 3M Night Vision 15 also has the added benefit of privacy from the outside, as pictured here. Like a pair of stylish sunglasses for your windows, 3M solar control and privacy film is the solution to keeping your employees, clients, and family comfortable this summer! 

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