3M Coloured Film

A bright and eye-catching stained-glass look at Gilmore Lodge! 3M coloured film was installed at this nursing home. Did you know that some psychologists purport that different colours produce different health benefits? WebMD published an article detailing this concept. Some of the health benefits claimed by colour therapy include:

Red: stimulates and increases appetite
Orange: improves mood and is linked to thyroid function
Yellow: increases focus and potentially treats arthritis
Green: calms and may promote a healthy metabolism
Blue: suppresses the appetite and treats migraine pain
Indigo: is linked to the promotion of mental health
Violet: helps to induce a meditative state


Interested in using colour therapy to positively affect the mental, emotional and physical health of those in your home or commercial space? Consider 3M coloured film—with a variety of colour options, you can transform and brighten your space, increase branding, and positively impact the mood of those inside. Want to learn more about 3M decorative film? Contact us for a free quote.

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