Summer is here and with it comes longer daylight hours, sunshine and the heat. Here are some tips to save energy at the office during the hot days of summer.
Save on Energy at the Office this Summer
Save on energy this summer by making sure your computers automatically go into sleep mode after 30 minutes of inactivity and turn them off when you leave for the day. Screen savers keep your computer monitor running on power, so make sure the setting is set to sleep mode. This can save you from $50 – $150 per year, per device. Computers not only draw electricity for power, but increase the temperature of a room because of the internal heat of the machine, requiring the HVAC system to work harder to keep the room cool.
Make it part of your procedure to check, and turn off, all office equipment at the end of the day, including printers, copiers, faxes, sound systems, etc. If you have a built-in power management system for your office equipment, make sure it is set for when the equipment is not needed.
Set thermostats between 25 deg & 27 deg celsius during the summer months. One degree can make all the difference in cost savings. When everyone has gone home for the day, or the office shuts down for vacation, make sure to set the temperature on the higher side.
Solar control window film helps reduce the temperature of a room by reducing the amount of heat coming through the windows, as well as hot spots. This will help employees be more comfortable, and save on energy costs by reducing the amount of air conditioning needed to maintain comfort levels. If your office windows have blinds, make sure to pull them down as needed during peak sun times, on the Friday before a weekend, or if your office shuts down for vacation during the summer.
Switch to LED light bulbs. They use 90% less power, last 25x as long, and produce less heat than incandescent light bulbs. Choose LED light bulbs over CFL fluorescent light bulbs. According to Health Canada, fluorescent light bulbs can cause health and environmental concerns.[1]
When doing tasks at your desk, turn off lights when you have the opportunity to use natural light. Having window film installed in office windows cuts down on glare, and heat. This lets employees take advantage of the natural light rather than having to always pull down blinds.
Outdoor Spaces
Trees, shrubs and outdoor green spaces look nice, are good for our earth, and offer cost savings by cooling the building in the summer, and helping to keep it warm in the winter. Foliage planted near the building helps proves shade in the heat of the summer, and can be a buffer to high cold winds in the winter months.
Let your employees recharge their batteries by providing them with a nice outdoor green space where they can take a ‘green-therapy’ break. Employees that spend time around nature have an improved sense of wellbeing, physically feel better, and more likely to use their time when back in the office more productively.
A Japanese study found that taking a walk in the forest can decrease cortisol (stress) levels by 12%, decrease sympathetic nerve activity by 7% (anxiety), decrease blood pressure by 1%, and decrease heart rate by 5%.[2]

Contact our team at Evolution Window Film to learn more about how Window Film can save on energy at your business this summer.
[1] HealthyCanadians.gc.ca – The Safety of Compact Fluorescent Bulbs ( Government of Canada)
[2] How Office Design Impacts our Health, Business and Planet – www.envirotechoffice.com